stand in line

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stand in line

更新时间:2024-05-21 01:19:42

英 [stænd in lain]

美 [stænd ɪn laɪn]

stand in line基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. 站队:20. get off 下车 | 21. stand in line 站队 | 22. waiting room 候诊室,候车室

2. 排成一列:sorry about that. 很抱歉. | stand in line. 排成一列. | step by step. 一步一步来吗.

3. 站在队里:stand v. 站;立 | stand in line 站(在)队(里) | star n. 星星;恒星

4. stand in line

4. 站队等候:油价显示Price Watch | 站队等候Stand in Line | 体温检测站Temperature Check Station

  • 临近词
Everyone should stand in line when buying tickets.(买票时人人都应当排队。)
Four finished houses, complete with driveways, stand in line.(伴着齐全的车道,四幢建好的房子排成一列。)
I don't care where we go as long as we don't have to stand in line.(不管去哪里,只要不用站着排队就行。)
Let's stand in line.(让我们排队吧。)
I'll stand in line for five hours so the children can see Santa at the mall.(我可以排队等5个小时,让孩子们在大商场里看到圣诞老人。)
Watch them as they stand in line at the little squirrel coffee shop discussing the acorn futures market.(看它们站成一排,在“松鼠咖啡店”门口谈论着橡子期货市场的行情;)
Do not stand in line of an opponent's shot.(不要站在对手的击球线上。)
Rocky: OK. I'll grab us a bite. You two stand in line for the photos. There's quite a queue.(没问题,我去拿一些点心来。你们两个就排队等着照像吧,排队的人挺多的呢。)
They stand in line for the latest iPhone at the Apple store.(他们在苹果商店门口排队买最新款的苹果手机。)
The pavilion became so popular that people would stand in line for hours to catch a glimpse of GM's diesel-powered future.(该展馆相当受欢迎,以至于人们排队几个小时来观看通用汽车公司用汽油驱动的未来。)
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